Friday, October 19, 2012


In class we talked about the filters of finding a date. Some of these filters may not even be made consciously. The first filter is propinquity. This is people who live near us or are close to us in some setting. We tend not to date people who live far away or are from a different setting. I think this is because it is hard once you get married if you have to travel a long ways in between families. Its just easier if you spouse and you come from around the same place. Also you are more likely to find these people for obvious reasons. The second filter is attractiveness. Well duh! You have to have that initial physical attraction before you want to spend time with them. They don't have to be drop dead sexy but there needs to be an attraction between the two people. The third filter is similarities. It is important to want to do the same things. You don't have to have everything in common, but it is important to have some similarities so you can share some interests!

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